DW146-06 - Foot-Practicing Boxing ( 练步拳)
DW146-06 Foot-Practicing Boxing ( 练步拳)
Foot-Practicing Boxing ( 练步拳)belongs to Sichuan Shengmen Style, it was Based on the theory of Yijing, The form features he Weak overwhelming the strong by pretending to lure, defensing to attack and attacking to defense. it rarely preempts its opponents, swift and agile attacking and retreating as if an fast stakes.
Foot-Practicing Boxing ( 练步拳)belongs to Sichuan Shengmen Style, it was Based on the theory of Yijing, The form features he Weak overwhelming the strong by pretending to lure, defensing to attack and attacking to defense. it rarely preempts its opponents, swift and agile attacking and retreating as if an fast stakes.
Format: DVD
Language: Chinese Mandarin with English Subtitle
练步拳属四川生门, 以《周易》理论为根基,特点是以小胜大,形顿诱敌, 以守为攻, 力忌先发、意在取穴、招式紧凑、身法快速灵活、进退敏捷、桩步稳健的一种拳术。
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Tags: traditional kungfu, chinese martial arts, kung fu, dw146-06, foot-practicing, boxing, 练步拳), other, northern, styles